Here is a copy of the letter that will be going out, to hopefully give a better idea:
February, 2010
Dearest Friends and Family,
I hope this finds you and your loved ones doing well, basking in the light of the Lord. I am excited to hear the stories of what He is doing in your life, and am excited to share my own.
The past few years have seen so much change, growth, hardship and wonder. I have been both blessed and molded by the Lord, stretching me and pushing me into the woman God has prepared me to be. He has placed a desire upon my heart to love people and to seek to be in relationship with them. I feel that my heart has been softened for people who are in need. More recently, I have gone through a period of rest and preparation. Running through my mind was a constant question of, “for what?” Daily, the Lord would reveal people and situations to grow me and challenge my faith. Now in this time, I feel that the Lord is calling me back to serve. Oh, what a wonderfully terrifying challenge. When I returned from Nicaragua, I felt like I had nothing more to give, I was dry, empty, and done.
However, recently I have regained a tiny spark that slowly grew into a new desire. I sense the Lord is calling me back to Latin America, and more specifically El Salvador. I have prayed about this a long time, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t my own selfish desires or alternative motives, but I truly feel this is where the Lord is leading me. This summer, I will be serving with Christ For the City International (CFCI) for 2 months as an individual Short-Term Missionary. I will work with an El Salvadorian couple and their church, serving with a part-time medical clinic and teaching ESL in a local school. I will be living with a local church family and working with the poor in San Salvador, El Salvador.
The Lord has blessed me with an awesome support system, you! I want to thank you again for all the support and love that I have received from you. Your prayer, encouragement and financial support propelled me and gave me such a drive to push harder. In this time, I ask that you continue to pray for me, and if you feel the Lord leading you in that direction, to give financial support. We, together, can bring light into darkness and show people the love of the Lord. I am excited to embark on this adventure and am thrilled that we can embark on it together.
In addition to prayer support, I will need to raise a total of $1,200. This will cover my room, board, in country transportation, and a few other costs. If you would like to join me as a prayer and/or financial partner, please send your donation to Christ For the City International; P.O. Box 390395; Omaha, NE 68139. Make checks payable to Christ For the City International, with a notation on a separate piece of paper that the donation is for “Support of Annie Valenziano”. Credit card donations can be made on the CFCI website,, and click on “Donate now.”

If you would like more information, please contact me. Additionally, you can keep updated with what is going on in my life here, I will try hard to regularly blog.
May we live to serve the King,
Annie Valenziano.