today is Thursday...finally. I know most people hope for Fridays or the weekends or something, but I cheer for Thursday, especially this week, and here is why. At the beginning to March i started my new job at a local assisted living facility. I LOVE it. It is a lot less hectic than my old job at a skilled nursing home. Its fun just to be able to walk around and hang out with the residents. yes, there is some lifting and wiping and such, but its not near as much as before and i really enjoy the time i can just sit and hang out with the residents or other staff members.

(how could you not love them?)
So one of the other things that I love about my new job is the schedule. I only work 2 days a week, but still get 16 hours. Yay! I work Saturdays for 3-11pm, and then also on tuesday mornings from 7-3, and then go to class. Because of this i have to make sure that i get all my homework done for tuesday and wednesday on monday, i also have to make sure i go to bed early (like 9:30-10) so that i can get up at 5:30am to go to work.
Cranky Me + Cranky Old People + smells + 95 degree rooms = awful day
Well rested me + cranky old people + Smells + 95 degree room = I still love this job.
see the difference?
Additionally, this week i started training as Med Tech! (that just means i sit in the med room and hand out meds...its prestigious) So that was last night. It was really fun also, and a lot less physically demanding. Also i learn how to do things like place a suppository, which i did for the first time last night! (dont know what that is?...dont worry about it)
In conclusion, thursdays rock because i dont have class until 5:30pm and can just hang out in my pjs eating food and trying to catch up on homework that was skipped because of work and things. I am so thankful for my new job, i love it so much. The people that i work with and for are wonderful. I dont know if i want to go geriatrics for forever, but right now, it couldn't be better.
Have a good week!
PS. Christmas vacation is on Comedy Central right now, if you havent seen the movie i suggest you watch it. It will change your life.