Thursday, April 15, 2010


favorite/least favorite moment of today:

So tonight i locked myself out of my apartment again...(3rd time this quarter.) anyway, my PA was not in so she couldnt get me the key which means we have to call our favorite people...campus safety and security. We called them and they said they would send someone over with the key to unlock my apartment and took my phone number. Since i did not want to just sit in the hall, and since they had my phone number, i figured they would be able to call me when they got there, so i could wait in my friend's room.

After waiting for like 45 minutes with no call. I decided to call again, just to see what was going on, all i wanted to do was go and make pancakes with Heaven. Upon calling them i was told that they had gone to my apartment and knocked on my door, and then when i didnt answer they left.

I was locked OUT of my house...why would i answer the door?

1 comment:

  1. so incompetent.

    at least we got to eat pancakes eventually! :D
