This is where I will talk about all the things that go on around me. I am excited to share it with you.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
i like pictures.
So something that i failed to mention earlier was that besides going to El Salvador, I was also able to go back to Nicaragua for about 2 weeks. It was great! I helped lead a team with one of my most favorite people in the whole world. Joe Carter. One of the things i enjoyed most, besides hanging out with his awesome team, was running next door and seeing my favorite children again. They have gotten so big! Here are a few pictures from my time in Nicaragua. That's joe carter.
I am so excited for what has been going on in my life recently. Even though it may not be as exciting as I would like it to be, thats ok. I am taking this time to rest and reflect and enjoy the world the Lord has created. Additionally, this summer I traveling to El Salvador to work with some missionaries and their community. If you would like to partner with me go to and click "DONATE NOW"
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