Wednesday, June 30, 2010

bus adventures

So these are the blogs that i have been writing but have been unable to post. there are a few

written: June 15, 2010
So every morning I get up at 4:30 (yes…4:30AM) so that Maria Lousia and I can ride the bus to school and be there at 6:00am. However, I would like to share that by this time I am a bus badass. I know that I have to get on the bus, motion with my lips that the woman behind me is going to pay and make my way to the back, as far as I can go, because we don’t want to get stuck and not be able to get off the bus at the correct stop. It takes about 30 minutes every morning to ride the bus into school. My love for public transportation still remains. I love watching the people go by, and those who get on and I use this time to get a good look at the city that I live in. Even though technically I live in San Salvador, the part I live in is called Soyapango. Two syllables “soya-pango” NOT soy-a-pango. I have been corrected more times than I can count. Even though Soyapango is just a sublet of San Salvador, it houses 1 million of the 2 million population of the city, and is where 1/6th of the total population lives.

Favorite bus sightings today: The drunk guy that was leaning against the door so when it opened it hit him in the head as he stumbled out. The man that paid the fare (20 cents) with a bag of Doritos instead. And finally, the bus doorbell, it is located above the back exit door of the bus and you push it when you want let off. However, today it was broken, so it was my pleasure to listen to what people decided was appropriate to yell all the way to the front of the bus to get let off. Some yelled names, places, and one gentleman just hit the door repeatedly until it opened.

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